Udaypur Group

SMS Marketing


Send Targeted, Well-Timed Messages and Increase Your Brand Engagement

Can’t get your brand message to the right people at the right time? Bring your brand closer to your target audience with Thrive Internet Marketing Agency’s advanced SMS and MMS marketing services.

As a Klaviyo partner, we use only top-of-the-line text message marketing tools to ensure fast message delivery and reliable tracking of your campaign performance. Integrate SMS/MMS marketing into your digital marketing efforts and establish a stronger personal connection with your customers.


In our commitment to providing exceptional service, we prioritize fast and reliable customer communications.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the rapid evolution of technology has revolutionized customer interactions, allowing for 24/7 connections. However, as technology continues to advance, consumers are seeking more than just automated responses and algorithm-driven interactions. They crave genuine brand engagement with a personal, human touch that resonates on a deeper level.

Text message marketing, commonly referred to as SMS marketing, presents an effective and cost-efficient solution for businesses looking to foster these authentic connections. It empowers companies to engage with their existing customer base while attracting new business prospects through instant, personalized communication. SMS marketing goes beyond algorithms and automation; it allows brands to communicate directly with their audience in a way that feels personal and meaningful.

SMS marketing leverages the simplicity of short message service to deliver basic yet impactful text messages. These messages may include promotions, announcements, and other valuable content tailored to specific audience segments. What sets SMS marketing apart is that it relies on permission-based, opt-in text messages, ensuring that customers willingly receive information from the brand. This not only respects their preferences but also enhances the quality of the interactions, as recipients are genuinely interested in the content they receive.

SMS marketing leverages the simplicity of short message service to deliver basic yet impactful text messages. These messages may include promotions, announcements, and other valuable content tailored to specific audience segments. What sets SMS marketing apart is that it relies on permission-based, opt-in text messages, ensuring that customers willingly receive information from the brand. This not only respects their preferences but also enhances the quality of the interactions, as recipients are genuinely interested in the content they receive.


Brands must secure explicit customer permission through contests, online opt-ins, or keyword interactions to engage in SMS text marketing campaigns. Without consent, such campaigns breach privacy and legal regulations.


Text message marketing is subject to regulatory compliance laws akin to those governing email and phone communications. The specific regulations vary by country, with the United States relying on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to define, regulate, and oversee legal compliance for SMS marketing. 

Under the TCPA and by various industry guidelines, businesses employing text marketing campaigns are required to:

  • Verify the legal age of consent based on the recipient’s location.
  • Obtain explicit written consent from recipients before initiating automated SMS marketing messages.
  • Communicate the purpose of the SMS marketing campaign.
  • Inform subscribers about the estimated frequency of messages they can anticipate in a week or month.
  • Notify subscribers about potential fees associated with program participation.
  • Furnish explicit instructions for opting out of the campaign.
  • Abstain from using prohibited SMS content, such as content related to hate, alcohol, firearms, tobacco, profanity, hate speech, violence, and more.


Each year, the regulations governing mobile text marketing become more stringent, reflecting the growing concern over spam messages and heightened user privacy issues. To avoid potential violations, businesses utilizing text message marketing services must adhere to these evolving regulatory requirements.

These regulations come with penalties in the form of statutory damages, assessed on a per-violation basis. The standard penalty can reach up to 500 per violation, and for willful violations, it can escalate to 1,500. It’s important to note that there is no cap on penalties for violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), meaning that thousands of infractions can result in fines in the millions.

To safeguard your brand from TCPA violations, it’s advisable to entrust your text marketing campaigns to a reputable SMS marketing company. Doing so will help ensure compliance with the TCPA and other industry regulations, protecting your brand from the financial and reputational risks associated with non-compliance.


At Udaypur Group Internet Marketing Agency, we are a trusted and experienced provider of text message marketing services. Our mission is to assist businesses from various sectors in leveraging the potential of SMS marketing to generate leads with high conversion rates and foster lasting client relationships. With our SMS marketing service, numerous companies have successfully enhanced customer awareness and cultivated stronger brand connections.

By teaming up with our text marketing experts, you can unlock the full potential of SMS mobile marketing for your business. Allow us to help you achieve the same remarkable results that we’ve delivered for countless clients.


Cultivate a Robust Mobile Opt-In Database

Companies and institutions opt for top-tier text marketing services for a multitude of compelling reasons. Most notably, its independence from internet connectivity positions SMS marketing as a pivotal element within the realm of omnichannel marketing.

Omnichannel marketing, encompassing both online and offline channels, represents the strategic approach of engaging with your desired audience and guiding them along the sales journey. By integrating text message marketing into your omnichannel marketing strategy, you establish a seamless and harmonized messaging framework that delivers a unified brand experience across channels, spanning from the initial point of contact to the final interaction.

While text marketing typically conveys time-sensitive brand messages to opted-in recipients, its immediacy has led institutions to employ text messaging for purposes beyond marketing, broadening its utility: 

  • Soliciting reviews
  • Automating responses 
  • Gathering customer feedback 
  • Facilitating corporate communication
  • Sharing content
  • Sending appointment reminders 

Irrespective of your goal, choosing a top-notch text marketing solution is a reliable means to effectively and swiftly connect with your desired audience.


Irrespective of your goal, choosing a top-notch text marketing solution is a reliable means to effectively and swiftly connect with your desired audience.

Numerous cloud-based text marketing solutions are available today. However, it’s crucial to select an SMS marketing platform that enables seamless communication with your target audience.
At our SMS marketing company, we rely on Klaviyo to ensure the effective delivery of mobile text marketing campaigns. Klaviyo stands out as one of the top text marketing tools, offering competitive features and pricing options. When you collaborate with us, we’ll closely work with you to help you make the most of Klaviyo’s exceptional SMS capabilities.
Please note that using Klaviyo may involve additional costs, which are separate from Udaypur Group’s SMS marketing service fees.

An SMS short code, a 5- or 6-digit phone number, facilitates the sending of bulk SMS marketing messages efficiently. In the U.S., shortcodes are leased rather than purchased. You have the option to lease random or vanity short codes according to your preference.
Random short codes, also known as non-vanity short codes, are 5- or 6-digit numbers assigned to you randomly by the Short Code Registry. Leasing a non-vanity short code is the more economical choice, with a monthly cost of $500.
Conversely, vanity short codes are custom-selected numbers tailored to your brand, incurring a monthly cost of $1,000.
In addition to shortcodes, Klaviyo also provides the option to send SMS through toll-free numbers (for the U.S. and Canada) and alphanumeric sender IDs (exclusive to the UK).

Before initiating text message advertising or any SMS campaigns, it’s imperative to confirm that your recipient list has provided consent for receiving automated messages. To prevent any regulatory breaches, it’s essential to exclude individuals without confirmed permission.
In our strategy consultation, our SMS advertising experts will request your list of opt-ins to guarantee adherence to government regulations. Our text message marketing firm exclusively collaborates with contact lists comprising individuals who have explicitly opted in to receive text message advertising from our clients.

Text marketing services often provide pre-designed message templates featuring personalization tags to streamline the process. These tags automatically insert the recipient’s information, such as their first name, into each message, ensuring a unique and personalized touch, even in bulk SMS marketing campaigns.

Given the 160-character limit for text marketing messages, it’s crucial to craft concise, engaging, and to-the-point messages. You can also incorporate a clickable link for recipients to visit your landing page.
After launching your SMS advertising campaign, closely monitor its performance to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments in subsequent campaigns.


Promote Continuous Brand Dialogue

SMS marketing services empower you to deliver tailored messages to your desired audience precisely when it matters most, demonstrating your commitment to enhancing their brand interactions. This sets the stage for deeper brand connections that drive business triumph.

In today’s competitive landscape, an increasing number of businesses are harnessing top-tier text marketing solutions to propel their growth. Don’t lag behind your rivals – stay ahead of the competition.

In today’s competitive landscape, an increasing number of businesses are harnessing top-tier text marketing solutions to propel their growth. Don’t lag behind your rivals – stay ahead of the competition.

Lightning-Fast Delivery

Lightning-Fast Delivery Text marketing services ensure your messages reach your intended audience instantly with a simple click. This capability enables you to dispatch time-critical communications on a larger scale, like promotions for events and flash sales, enhancing the likelihood of your message being noticed immediately upon delivery.

Direct Customer Communication

Text marketing services ensure your messages reach your intended audience instantly with a simple click. This capability enables you to dispatch time-critical communications on a larger scale, like promotions for events and flash sales, enhancing the likelihood of your message being noticed immediately upon delivery.

Higher Open Rates

Text messages achieve an impressive 98% open rate, and typically, recipients respond within a mere 90 seconds, according to Omnisend. When you harness a proficient text messaging marketing service, your SMS campaign has the potential to substantially elevate your brand visibility and financial performance.

Wide Audience Reach

As per Pew Research Center, an astounding 97% of Americans possess a mobile phone. This signifies that you have the capacity to engage with the majority of your intended audience through text marketing service campaigns. Whether you are overseeing a small business, a large enterprise, or a multi-location company, top-notch text marketing services can assist you in reaching diverse target demographics effectively.

Easy Campaign Tracking

Text marketing firms employ cutting-edge SMS messaging tools to meticulously track the evolution, involvement, and efficacy of text marketing initiatives. Fortunately, SMS marketing lends itself well to tracking. Vital metrics like the rate of list expansion, attrition rate, click-through rate (CTR), and subscriber acquisition cost provides you with valuable insights into the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns.

Increased Revenue

Research indicates that customers exhibit a higher inclination to click on links delivered via text compared to email. On average, roughly one-third of SMS recipients respond to SMS calls-to-action (CTAs), with approximately 47% making a purchase, as reported by Omnisend. When effectively harnessed, SMS marketing services have the potential to yield remarkable conversion rates and a substantial return on investment (ROI) for your business.


Tailor Your Customer Interactions to Their Preferences

At Udaypur Group Internet Marketing Agency, the extent of our client engagement is tailored to their circumstances and requirements. Our text marketing services encompass a spectrum that spans from comprehensive campaign management to continuous advisory and assistance.

If you’re uncertain about the mechanics of text message advertising or bulk SMS marketing, rest assured. Here’s how our text message marketing firm employs SMS text marketing to captivate your intended audience and yield profitable outcomes:

Upon engaging our text messaging marketing service, we’ll arrange a strategy consultation with your brand to furnish you with an overview of SMS/MMS messaging utilization. During this session, we’ll assess your campaign prerequisites, validate your opted-in list, and outline our subsequent steps in alignment with your specific needs. 

Following a comprehensive assessment, the subsequent stage involves setting up and crafting your campaign. You have the flexibility to either create your own message and leave the marketing to us, or you can delegate content creation to our SMS marketing company.
In our pursuit of reaching your customers at the most optimal times, we meticulously identify their time zones in their respective locations and dispatch messages during suitable hours. As per SMSGlobal, the ideal time for sending bulk SMS marketing campaigns falls within the windows of 10:31 AM to 11:29 AM or 2:34 PM to 3:27 PM.
At Udaypur Group, we are unequivocally committed to steering clear of spam. As a reputable text marketing company, we adhere to all regulations and industry best practices established by governing authorities to safeguard the integrity of your business.

Our text message marketing company provides SMS marketing services in collaboration with our partner platform, Klaviyo. This strategic partnership facilitates the seamless creation and scheduling of your SMS campaigns, along with the precise monitoring of analytics. We diligently monitor SMS-specific metrics, including click rates, conversion rates, revenue per recipient/message, as well as opt-outs and unsubscribe rates.
These metrics are subject to thorough analysis, serving as invaluable insights that drive enhancements in your subsequent text messaging marketing campaigns.


Enhance Mobile Engagement with Precise Local Targeting

SMS marketing offers the distinct advantage of leveraging geofencing technology to send highly targeted, location-based messages. Geofencing marketing, also known as geofencing advertising, involves tailoring SMS advertising and content delivery to specific geographic areas, defined by a virtual boundary known as a geofence. This geofence can encompass a particular city, region, zip code, or a designated radius around a physical location.

It’s important not to conflate geofencing marketing with geotargeting. In geofencing mobile marketing, you establish a virtual perimeter around a chosen area to trigger messages. Conversely, geotargeting involves delivering messages based on both location and user behavior.

If you have further inquiries regarding geofencing mobile advertising, allow our text marketing company to guide you through the development process of geofencing advertising campaigns. 


Capture Customer Attention with Timely and Location-Specific Advertisements

Geofencing mobile marketing targets customized geofencing advertisements to customers when they enter a predetermined geographic region. As an illustration, a customer stepping into close proximity to your local store might receive SMS geofencing ads offering a 30 percent discount on specific items. 

If you’re finding this concept a bit perplexing, rest assured that our text marketing services team has streamlined the geofencing advertising procedure to provide you with a clear understanding of how it operates. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

1. Invite Customers To Join Your SMS Geofencing Marketing List

Leading geofencing firms recognize that obtaining SMS opt-ins represents the initial and crucial phase in text marketing. Requesting customers' permission to utilize their location data for geofencing mobile advertising is the essential starting point advance in this process.

2. Track People in the Radius You’ve Established

After obtaining consent, the subsequent stage involves tracking your customers' whereabouts. Typically, geofencing marketing companies would only need to record their subscribers' locations once daily, at a designated time, to support a specific campaign.

3. Send Targeted Geofencing Ads Straight to Their Mobile

Geofencing ads are typically pre-configured by geofencing advertising companies. This implies that when a subscriber enters your defined geofence, an automatic text alert about your brand promotion will be triggered for them.


Enhance In-Store Traffic and Drive Sales Growth

A wide range of businesses, spanning from small boutiques and local enterprises to multi-location corporations, are increasingly leveraging geofencing marketing services provided by leading geofencing companies. This strategic approach aims to attract a greater number of customers to their brick-and-mortar stores.

To maximize the effectiveness of your geofencing text marketing services, it’s essential to:

Geofencing advertising firms advise establishing a proximity radius in the immediate vicinity of your store. As per insights from text marketing specialists, the optimal range for geofencing mobile marketing is typically within a 5-minute driving distance. 

Respected geofencing marketing firms concur that infusing creativity into geofencing ads for bulk SMS marketing services can be a demanding task. Nevertheless, you have the option to categorize your recipients into distinct groups and customize your messages according to these segments, thereby delivering a more individualized and engaging brand encounter.

When embarking on bulk SMS marketing services, it’s vital to guarantee the effectiveness of your geofencing ads in captivating your subscribers. Geofencing advertising firms recommend conducting preliminary tests with various ad content variations prior to the campaign launch to ascertain which geofencing ad resonates most effectively with your intended audience.

Geofences are commonly established in the vicinity of your store, but it’s essential not to confine your radius. Leading geofencing companies also advise creating geofences around prominent landmarks near your store or even in close proximity to your competitors’ outlets. By doing so, you enhance your opportunities to draw in a broader customer base.

Identify the optimal timing for dispatching your geofencing ads to your subscribers. The potential of geofencing mobile marketing is too significant to overlook. Join our geofencing text marketing services and seize the chance to attract a greater number of customers to your nearby store!


Present Your Brand's Value Proposition with Greater Impact

What is MMS Messagingt?

Businesses looking to improve their text marketing tactics have likely considered investing in MMS marketing services. MMS messaging is one of the most widely used techniques to promote just about anything. From small businesses and real estate agencies to schools, universities and non-profit organizations, various verticals leverage MMS marketing service to drive better marketing results outcomes.

But what exactly is MMS messaging, and is it a valuable avenue for your brand’s product or service promotion?

Multimedia Messaging Service, or MMS marketing, represents a branch of text marketing that empowers you to transmit rich media content, including videos, images, and audio clips, to your contact list. Text marketing service providers view MMS messaging as an evolved form of text-based marketing, as it enables businesses to convey a narrative through their messages.

Incorporate MMS marketing services into your comprehensive marketing endeavors, and you’ll understand why numerous brands consider it an indispensable component of their triumph.


Aid Your Audience in Discerning Your Brand's Unique Value Proposition

Before embarking on sending MMS messages to your subscribers, it’s imperative to attain a comprehensive grasp of what MMS messaging entails and its essential components:

MMS Message Character Limit

Leading geofencing firms recognize that obtaining SMS opt-ins represents the initial and crucial phase in text marketing. Requesting customers' permission to utilize their location data for geofencing mobile advertin contrast to text messages, which are constrained by character limits, MMS messages offer a variable length (subject to the service provider). Utilizing MMS marketing services allows you to furnish your subscribers with comprehensive information about your brand's offerings.sing is the essential starting point advance in this process.

MMS Media Content Options

In addition to sending text with unrestricted character space, MMS messages offer the flexibility to include a wide array of content types, such as animated images (GIFs), videos, images, audio clips, and virtual business cards.

MMS Subject Lines

Another perk of MMS messaging is the option to incorporate a subject line within your messages. Most mobile devices display this subject line in bold font, setting it apart from the rest of the message content. MMS marketing service providers recommend adhering to a 40-character limit for your subject line, as this length is universally supported by all mobile devices and wireless carriers.

MMS Marketing Costs

Due to their capability to accommodate diverse media formats, MMS marketing services tend to be relatively pricier than traditional text marketing. On average, MMS marketing campaigns typically cost 2-3 times more than a standard mobile text marketing message. This increased cost is attributed to the enhanced visual features and versatility offered by MMS messages.

MMS marketing has consistently demonstrated its value to businesses across a spectrum of industries. Are you prepared to initiate your MMS marketing campaign? Reach out to our text marketing company to cultivate heightened brand recognition and engagement via MMS messaging.


Identify the Optimal Approach to Capture Your Customers' Focus

Email marketing and SMS marketing represent prevalent marketing techniques that companies across various industries employ to fortify their client relationships.

Email marketing is an online marketing approach that harnesses email service providers (ESPs) for the automated dissemination of email promotions and notifications. It facilitates highly personalized communication, enabling a multitude of businesses to establish connections with specific audience segments and foster customer loyalty. Statistics indicate that around 64% of small businesses employ email marketing as a means to engage with their customer base (Campaign Monitor).


In contrast, SMS/MMS marketing serves as a rapid and cost-efficient means to disseminate brand promotions, updates, and announcements to customers. This method does not depend on mobile app downloads or an internet connection for message delivery, resulting in substantial cost savings.

In contrast, SMS/MMS marketing serves as a rapid and cost-efficient means to disseminate brand promotions, updates, and announcements to customers. This method does not depend on mobile app downloads or an internet connection for message delivery, resulting in substantial cost savings.

SMS Marketing Is Best For:

  • Delivering Timely Updates
  • Fostering Personalized Brand Interactions
  • Concise Notifications and Alerts
  • Nurturing Relationships with Engaged Clientele

SMS Marketing Is Best For:

  • In-Depth Content Marketing
  • Visual-Rich Content
  • Informative References for Future Reference
  • Shareable Content with Numerous Calls to Action

Incorporate both tactics into your marketing endeavors and initiate a sequence of lead generation and nurturing campaigns that drive your revenue expansion. Cultivate leads and secure increased sales with Udaypur Group’s SMS/MMS marketing services.


Cultivate Trust and Deepen Customer Insight into Your Brand

Udaypur Group Internet Marketing Agency is a reputable text message marketing firm committed to assisting businesses in optimizing the efficiency and outcomes of their SMS marketing campaigns. Our strategies are in tune with the most recent technological advancements and industry dynamics,
ensuring the triumph of our clients’ campaigns.

Collaborate with our SMS marketing company and enjoy the following advantages:

TCPA-Compliant Text Marketing Service

At Udaypur group, we guarantee your full compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) for every SMS/MMS messages you dispatch. Our text marketing team consistently maintains the hygiene and integrity of your subscription lists. Most importantly, we strictly refrain from engaging with unlawful, purchased lists.

Bulk SMS Marketing Services

Our SMS marketing firm provides both SMS broadcast marketing and SMS automated campaigns. We serve a diverse clientele across various industries, including eCommerce, real estate, construction, and healthcare. Regardless of the scale and complexity of your SMS marketing initiatives, rest assured that our text marketing services team is well-equipped to address all your needs.

Klaviyo Partner

We rely on Klaviyo as our SMS/MMS marketing platform to simplify the process of collecting and managing opt-in lists, ensuring seamless campaign execution. Klaviyo's native integrations seamlessly link with a range of platforms, including Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, simplifying the SMS deliverability process and eliminating any potential headaches.

Comprehensive SMS Marketing Service

campaign execution. Klaviyo's native integrations seamlessly link with a range of platforms, including Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, simplifying the SMS deliverability process and eliminating any potential headaches.

Detailed Monthly Reports

In our role as your SMS marketing collaborator, we make certain that you remain well-informed about all the progress in your campaigns. Our team of text marketing specialists delivers detailed monthly reports encompassing campaign analytics, essential metrics, and recommended strategies. We present these reports to you as part of our scheduled calls.

SMS/MMS Marketing Specialists

When you join forces with us, you can have full confidence that your SMS/MMS campaigns are overseen by experienced marketing experts. From list maintenance and segmentation to campaign creation, execution, and vigilant monitoring, we meticulously oversee every aspect to guarantee that you receive exceptional value for your investment.


Select Udaypur Group and Maximize the Benefits of Our Services

Preparing to launch your inaugural SMS/MMS marketing campaign? Employing our bulk SMS marketing services is a straightforward process that involves just three easy steps:

1. Schedule a Consultation

Reach out to us at +91 or complete our contact form to arrange a strategy call with our text marketing professionals. In this initial consultation, we delve deep into your campaign requirements and your specific expectations.

2. Send Personalized SMS/MMS Marketing Messages

Our adept text marketing team designs a personalized SMS marketing strategy for your brand. Upon your approval, we proceed with the initial campaign configuration and set your mobile text marketing campaign in motion.

3. Generate Profitable Results

Outcomes Leave the campaign management to us while you concentrate on your primary business activities. With our SMS/MMS marketing service, you can be confident that your customers receive timely and relevant messages that drive results.

Ready to speak with a marketing expert? Let’s chat!

ADDRESS : C-28 Sector-2 Noida 201301.

TELEPHONE : (+91 95706 20983)
E-MAIL : udaypurgroup@gmail.com